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2.0625" hole spacing (C-IH, New Holland, Hesston, OMC-hay; JD 200/900 combine

  • XHTS (60-Deg) BTM CTSK 2.0625 inch hole space section
  • XHTS (60-Deg) TOP CTSK 2.0625 inch hole space section
  • XHSM (82-Deg) BTM CTSK 2.0625 inch hole space section
  • XHSM (82-Deg) TOP CTSK 2.0625 inch hole space section
  • XHSMPL (82-Deg) BTM CTSK 2.0625 inch hole space section
  • XHSMPL (82-Deg) TOP CTSK 2.0625 inch hole space section
  • XHUSPL (82-Deg) BTM CTSK 2.0625 inch hole space section
  • XHUSPL (82-Deg) TOP CTSK 2.0625 inch hole space section
  • XHTSPL (82-Deg) BTM CTSK 2.0625 inch hole space section
  • XHTSPL (82-Deg) TOP CTSK 2.0625 inch hole space section
  • XHTSBT (60-Deg) BTM CTSK 2.0625 inch hole space section
  • XHTSBT (82-Deg) BTM CTSK 2.0625 inch hole space section
  • XHTSBT (60-Deg) TOP CTSK 2.0625 inch hole space section
  • XHTSBT (82-Deg) TOP CTSK 2.0625 inch hole space section
  • XHTSBTPL (60-Deg) BTM CTSK 2.0625 inch hole space section
  • XHTSBTPL (82-Deg) BTM CTSK 2.0625 inch hole space section
  • XHTSBTPL (60-Deg) TOP CTSK 2.0625 inch hole space section
  • XHTSBTPL (82-Deg) TOP CTSK 2.0625 inch hole space section
  • XHTSLS (82-Deg) BTM CTSK 2.0625 inch hole space section
  • XHTSLS (82-Deg) TOP CTSK 2.0625 inch hole space section
  • XHTSLSPL (82-Deg) BTM CTSK 2.0625 inch hole space section
  • XHTSLSPL (82-Deg) TOP CTSK 2.0625 inch hole space section
  • XHTSBTPL 2.0625 inch hole space section, 3 hole (100-count)
  • XHTSBTPL 2.0625 inch hole space section, 3 hole

Need help with installation?

We're proud of our workforce who are both knowledgeable and courteous, and our employees are ready and able to discuss your needs.

(800) 578-1480
6060 W Old Potash Hwy,
Grand Island, NE 68803